Empower your teams with on-demand learning opportunities

What is Edraak Pro?

Edraak Pro is an online platform that offers online courses to employees on a diverse range of business and technical topics. For organizations, it gives a holistic view of learning programs and training courses.
Edraak Pro

Offer a diverse and growing content library

Edraak Pro offers courses in business, data analytics, IT security, technology, finance, leadership and soft skills. With courses and pathways set from 10 – 30 learning hours, your team has the flexibility of taking as many courses as they wish, at their own pace.
Edraak Pro Content Library

Monitor performance and progress

Get a real-time view into team member involvement with content, their progress and grades.
Monitor Performance and Progress

Get real-time insights that matter for the learning organization

Assess growth in the organization and see how many engaged members you have, how many courses are taken and how many certificate holders are now in your organization.
Real-Time Insights

Manage teams and team members

Assign department managers as learning managers on the platform and create organizational accountability for learning.
Manage Teams

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